Sunday, January 19, 2014


Here I find myself again on a Sunday afternoon with some fruit that has hit the "use it or lose it" stage of life.  A bit beyond the prime eating stage but not yet a fruit fly breeding ground, I had some apples and pears laying about that needed to be converted to something tasty.

You can do this recipe with only apples, but hey use what you have around!

Step 1: Gather your fruit - this was about 2lbs

Step 2: Beware of little helpers
(our newest addition, Abby, and the usual suspects Milo & Sissy)

Step 3: Peel, core, and cut your fruit into large chunks and add 1/3cup apple cider (or juice or water) and 1 1/2 TBS brown sugar

Step 4: Cook down over low heat for 30min.

Step 5: Buzz your cooked fruit to create a smoother texture
You can opt to use a potato masher for a chunkier texture, but we prefer less chunky around here.

Step 6: Top with a touch of cinnamon and serve!

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