Monday, January 7, 2013

Beer! The homemade type...

After purchasing a "make your own beer kit" for my husband a few years ago we discovered that it makes a noxious flavored liquid that really cannot be called beer.  That discovery lead us to the process that is tough for those with space and storage constraints, but seems as though it will produce a magical elixir suitable for a night of pizza or a Super Bowl party.  

To that, we took a page from Alton Brown's playbook and started the brewing process!

                            Day 1:
Supplies assembled! We used C120 crystal grain, Sparkling Amber malt (+ 1/2lb 2-Raw malt to supplement the liquid malt), 1098 British Ale yeast, and Palisade hops.

Sanitize, sanitize, sanitize!!! 5 gal water mixed with 2oz unscented bleach - shove all the supplies that will be going into the liquid in the bucket and let them sit until you are ready to use them. DON'T FORGET TO RINSE THEM OFF!!! Bleach is not terribly tasty...

My little helper...

Getting up to 150º took FOREVER.....I'm boooooooored...

The stove/pot/thermometer set-up.

My hubby is hard at work during this process.

Mmmmm grain...

***The straining process was not captured on film as it required 4 hands, a ladle, a colander, mesh strainer, cookie cooling rack, and a bathtub to successfully complete without spillage everywhere.***

Dr. No decided to check out our handy work while it cooled slightly. The recipe says the hot liquid + ice will get you to about 80º, but it was 95º by my measurements. By 94º my fears of bacterial invasion (and impatience) set in, so I added in the yeast. They survived...

Stash in a cool place for the next week... 

Yeast bubbling WIN!

And this, my friends, was day 1 of beer making.  No keg stands yet, next bubbly update will come in a week when it is time to start the 2nd fermentation!

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