Sunday, September 29, 2013

Mini Apple Pies

With the progression of fall and the copious amounts of fresh apples found at this time of the year, for our latest gathering I made individual serving size apple pies.

This recipe will make 15 mini pies with enough dough left over to add some cute toppings.

Step 1: Assemble your apples.  You will need to peel, core, and dice them. You can use whatever apples you like, I used Macintosh and Empire as that's what we picked

Step 2: Mix in some granulated sugar, small amount of flour, and cinnamon and toss to coat
(You did remember to start preheating your oven to 350ºF, right?)

Step 3: Take a handful size ball of pie crust that you made ahead of time (use your favorite crust or check out this recipe:, and place it between two sheets of waxed paper

Step 4: Roll out to be about 6" in diameter and 1/8" thick

Step 5: Put your bottom crust into each of your muffin tin openings

Step 6: Fill with apples.  Be sure to add way more apples than you think is necessary as they do cook down substantially

Step 7: Roll out another piece of dough to about 4" in diameter and place on top of your apples.  Crimp to seal the edges, poke a few vent holes in the top, brush on an egg wash or some milk (this helps with browning). If you are going to make any cute decorations for your pies out of the extra crust this would the the time to add them.  Bake for 1 hour.

Let your mini pies cool, remove them from the muffin tin, and serve.  These are great for a BBQ or other holiday party as forks are not necessary to eat these tasty morsels.

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